Sunday Funday
Feb 27, 2011
Erin Bolton

This week, I came home from class to a surprise from Chris:


While I was opening the package, my initial thought was that Chris bought me a giant (yet mini?) Jenga game. That would have been cool too, but this was better!

You see, the thing I own the most of are books. I collect all sorts of books not only to read, but also just as objects or art. As much as I care for books and for as many years as I've spent building a great library, my dream is actually build a materials library. I'd love to collect different kinds of materials - woods, rocks, plastics, bricks, plasters, glass, granite, etc. - and catalog them for inspiration and inspection. 

This collection by Ashley Jaspers is the first piece and I'm pretty stoked about it!

Article originally appeared on Lavender Honey (
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