WedWed - Wedding Wednesday {16}
Apr 27, 2011
Erin Bolton

I'm finally starting to realize that part of working hard is disciplining yourself to know when take a breather.

I need a little breather today. It hit me last night while cooking dinner: As I put the last of dinner in the oven, I glanced out the window and noticed the light was fantastic. I had been waiting for good light to photograph our fabulously orange tulips in the backyard, so I ran out to the shed for my camera without even taking off my apron. While I was in the shed getting my camera, I remembered that I needed the power adaptor for the downstairs laptop (it's absurd the amount of technology we have in our house). I grabbed the adaptor, shoved it in the pocket of my apron, and hurried out the door to capture images of the tulips with my camera in hand.

After around ten minutes I worried that dinner was burning so I ran inside nearly tripping myself over the power cord hanging from my pocket. I checked on our dinner and guessed that it had about 5 more minutes before it was done. Relieved, I then removed the cord from my pocket, placed it on the counter and stood in front of the oven looking through the images I had just taken. I was happy I had beat the clock, but wasn't happy with how the images looked. I reasoned that I had no choice but to take more with my extra now 4.5 minutes until dinner was ready. The light would be gone soon, I thought, so I ran outside again.

That's about when the clarity came. Was I nuts? I clearly needed to slow down. This sort of behavior was/is becoming a habit.

I opted to read a book about art and lay with the Gata for 30 minutes this afternoon in lieu of wedding planning. Two hours of a breather and a less than thrilling WedWed post is better than breaking your leg because you fell down the stairs while tripping over a computer cord shoved in the pocket of your apron. Who wants to walk down the aisle with their leg in a cast anyhow?

WedWed - Wedding Wednesday {16}
Article originally appeared on Lavender Honey (
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