WedWed - Wedding Wednesday {21}
Jun 22, 2011
Erin Bolton

With the wedding only three months away, I'm finding that we're now in what I call the "execution phase." And no, I don't mean that we're all about ready to kill one another due to some imaginary tension caused by the wedding. What I mean is that it's time to start (and finish) major DIY projects. One such project is party favors but I can't give away the details. I know, I know. I'm lame for even bringing it up. If it makes you feel better, I feel a wee bit guilty about it.

I will tell you this: the project involves stories, food, and photography. Big surprise. 

The image above is a small taste of what I'm working on (following this shot, I roasted the corn and beets for a goat cheese and balsamic vinaigrette salad - yum!). Because I've decided to use the Yashika for the photography, I needed to give it a test run. Shooting food with a TLR that flips the subject in the viewfinder and doesn't allow you to get really close took some getting used to. 

I promise to show you other small tidbits here and there! 

Article originally appeared on Lavender Honey (
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