the monster under the bed

When I decided to launch Lavender Honey, my goal was to publish a cohesive, developed post once a week. I chose Monday because that was the day that made the most sense to me. However, I noticed that I have a lot more photographs I'd like to share than would make sense for one post, once a week. The remedy, I believe, would be that I could post additional times each week if I had the photographs and inspiration to share, while relieving myself of the "cohesive and developed" aspect of Mondays at LH.
This weekend was a perfect example. The weather was incredible. Whoever said that Seattle has terrible weather must be from San Diego because, although it does rains here, the summer has been beyond pleasant - mild, sunny, and refreshing for a girl from the hot, sticky midwest.
Check out our first backyard Sungold tomato harvest! (Chris took these tomato pics :)) A couple summers back I worked as a farm intern with an urban, organic farm called Urban Roots in Austin. I didn't think I liked tomatoes before I started farming, especially not raw. However, after I sampled a few of theses little guys while harvesting, I was sold. I eat them like candy these days, straight off of the vine.
On Saturday I started organizing the shed.
Let's tour, shall we?
Above is a view from the entry. When Chris and I combined our personal belongings, we found that we had an absurd number of Ikea tables. I plan on raising the two on the left to make a cutting table for fabric. My sewing machine will go on the next table, where the desk lamp is now.
This view from the opposite side of the shed, looking out, shows the mess! I must say, having water and electricity in the shed is glorious.
This is where I plan to draw and draft patterns. My landlord just installed a heater for us! Yes.
I positioned the table so that I can see out the windows while I draw. Having a place like this to work feels like a dream...
...speaking of dreams, I found the neat little post-it below while I was cleaning the shed. For the past few years I have been keeping a pen and paper on my nightstand because I wake up in the middle of the night with ideas or images from my dreams that I want to remember later. Hazily written in the dark, these little notes or drawings often make absolutely no sense to me by the afternoon, but every once in a while I will find one in the pile that intrigues me.
Chris thinks this monster must have been our cat.
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