
First day on the job.

Contrary to popular belief, I will not be a professional student for the rest of my life. Today, Monday August 23rd, 2010, I start my first job with a salary. I hope you were sitting down for that. I'll wait a second while you process.

I received the job offer on Friday morning and Chris and I did a celebration dance around the dining room the second I hung up the phone. I'm thrilled - the work environment is casual, the people are interesting and fun, and I get to work downtown!

There was only one problem - what would I wear on my first day at work?! I thought of it like school shopping for the beginning of fall semester, only this time it was for the beginning of work. That makes sense, right?

I continued to reason with myself, attempting to justify the urge to go shopping that afternoon. On the one hand, I desperately wanted to treat myself for scoring such a great first job. On the other, one reason I sought a stable job was because I wanted to be more financially responsible. To me, this new financial maturity meant that I shouldn't spend money before I have it.

As you probably guessed from the images, shopping trumped staying at home on my last sunny, Friday afternoon off work for a long while. I bought this shirt, which was not a splurge. At the end of the day, it was a win-win; Financial responsibility meets a little treat.


This little top is by Left of Center from Anthropologie. I normally wouldn't buy such a long, loose, flowing top without putting a belt around my waist. However, because the side panels are a lighter, pale fabric, the shirt is surprisingly slimming.

WorkFront WorkBack

I love how the batik-esque pattern is graphic without being stiff.

ShirtCloseUp EntireOutfit

Paired with dark, skinny jeans, a pair of matching pointy heels and a cardigan or jacket and I'm out the door.

Happy Monday!


Reader Comments (4)

Congrats on your new job! Hope you have a nice day.
Aug 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea
I have nearby a photograph of a little girl with big bangs and long hair, sporting her frilly new dress and carefully chosen bookbag, anxiously awaiting the signal to "kennel up" into Dad's ol' pickup and go to school. You will, forever, be that little girl....always ready to face whatever new challenges lie ahead.
Aug 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSusi Schuchard
Congrats Erin on your new job.....what is it?
Aug 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave Roby
Hey thanks Dave!!! Give me a shout and I'll tell you all about it.
Aug 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterErin Bolton

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