Entries by Erin Bolton (105)


tired and thankful

Chris, Carmen, and I found ourselves unexpectedly flying home to South Dakota a few days ago. Even though the reason we were home was sad, it felt good to spend time with family and friends. 

We're back in Seattle now - tired and thankful for another day. I brought some flowers in from the garden this morning before attempting to catch up around the house. It never ceases to amaze me how easily a blue hydrangea can brighten my day!


image{s} of the week

Meet Kouign Amann - a buttery, salty pastry with a caramelized crust and flakey interior. The fork is optional.

Did you honestly believe that I would leave those flakes on my plate?

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone! 


Ah, yellow.

For weeks I've been compiling tear sheets of architecture, interior design, illustration, and photography that I love for a class assignment. This image doesn't quite fit in with the rest, but the yellow wall and ceiling are delightful.

image via Svenskfast.



Don't mind if i do

A midmorning snack of strawberries and whipped cream is the perfect way to kickoff the weekend.


Image{s} of the week

Every year Chris's family spends Spring Break at his grandparents' winter home in Scottsdale, Arizona. When we were there last year I kicked myself for not taking pictures of the desert, so this year I vowed to bring my camera and capture cacti on film. Chris's grandfather, Merlin, was more than willing to oblige by planning a trip to see the desert at the end of the week. I explained that I wanted to get there before the sun came up so the light would be just right, which didn't seem to phase the rest of the group. I didn't, however, expect the inner battle that ensued when my alarm went off so early that it was still dark.

"Ugh it's too early. And even earlier in Seattle." I grumbled.

It was too bad for me that this whole desert excursion was my idea and everyone else in the house was up and ready to go. I surely couldn't be the one to back out so I threw on some clothes, poured some coffee, and tried to act more awake than I actually felt. 

These kind of photography trips are like trying to get yourself into a gym - building the momentum to change into your gym clothes, put on your tennis shoes, and actually drive to the building takes the most amount of will power. Once you're through in the doors, you're happy you made it and the reluctance fades away. In the same way, once we made it up into the desert and I was snapping images of prickly pears, I forgot how early it was. 

Fast forward a few months later when I finally got around to developing the prints and I'm even more thankful that we went...although we missed a turn and were lost for a while there, but that's just part of the fun isn't it?

All images taken with a Canon EOS Elan7e and scanned.